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The municipality of Mataro to the economy for the common good

There are many actions that the city of Mataró is underway to promote the values ​​of the economy for the common good in their municipality.

Today we read in the bulletin that the city of Mataro incorporate new ethical clauses, environmental and social public procurement.

Increasingly the public institutions that are committed to integrate into the dynamics of procedure, new rules and requirements to promote the values ​​of human dignity, the Solidarity, Social Justice, Participation and Transparency, and Sustainability.

It is a complex issue because the legislation does not make it easy and accurate politicians who are interested in applying but also legal, technical teams that know how to do.

Today is a great day for the economy for the common good and society in general mataronina


Andreu Pérez

Andreu is MBA with more than 20 years of experience creating innovation management and defining marketing and business strategies and solutions to innovate.

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