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The municipality of Mataro contract 83 people actively seeking work through the Treball i Formació Program

A very interesting initiative of the City of Mataro.

You have to work programs for the employment of people experiencing long-term unemployment, for they are those most affected by the crisis, but we must also work insertion policies other profiles.

Developing strategies start from identifying needs of companies in the territory, then establish policies that allow squaring aligned training supply on demand.

Priilegiadas municipalities are entities in this regard as they are positioned between the supply or demand can generate very beneficial synergies with good strategies and market knowledge.

People who are actively seeking work are aware that they must reinvent themselves and adapt their capacity and skills to market needs.

We believe in the continued development of skills, as one of the strategies that we must carry out the people who want to find a good job and therefore we have developed , a platform for people to understand their responsibilities and know what they have to strengthen to increase the chances of finding work, and at the same time it puts them at the forefront of companies in the territory looking for work.

How are you are initiatives that together, little by little, help improve the situation of many people.

Origin: The council hires 83 unemployed people through the Employment & Training Program

Andreu Pérez

Andreu is MBA with more than 20 years of experience creating innovation management and defining marketing and business strategies and solutions to innovate.

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