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online course consultants for the economy for the common good

Last monday 15 May the underwriting process began for the 2nd edition of the online course for future consultants of the economy for the common good.
This course is for those who want to deepen the understanding of the matrix of Commons and the preparation of the Balance of Commons and the improvement plan, with the possibility to offer in the future consulting services to companies that wish to develop the Common Good balance with an external support.

Year 2016 the first course was a resounding success, and this year we have created a very similar course adding some improvements such as updating the methodology, extending the hours of practice, personalized tutorials, etc…

We hope that all those who may have interest in profesionalizaros in the economy for the common good, You meet in this course an opportunity to do.


Andreu Pérez

Andreu is MBA with more than 20 years of experience creating innovation management and defining marketing and business strategies and solutions to innovate.

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