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Easytojobs in the financing market BizBarcelona

Last Wednesday 31/05/2017 tuvo place in the Congress Palace of Montjuic in Barcelona Inauguration of the BizBarcelona 2017.

The highlight of the first day was the interviews that were conducted in the finance market where management team could present the project to 11 inverters for 120′.

It was a new and interesting experience, well for more than 17 years he had not taken part in an investment forum.

We could verify that is a unique project in a market that according to different investors commented “It is saturated proposals” but a differential and technologically advanced proposal as raises interest.

We could verify also that this sector venture capital investment, It has become much more cautious making 15 años, when it should be the opposite, and that the risk concept has reduced drastically, implying that such a proposal requires, not only be developed, be competitive and technically advanced and differential in a saturated market such as the selection of talent, but also it has to have some metrics that ensure good behavior model for these funds invest in these initiatives. What I say, what risk, risk, just enough.

We find seed capital funds missing that is the line that went to search for and to which we will continue to work in the coming months.

Andreu Pérez

Andreu is MBA with more than 20 years of experience creating innovation management and defining marketing and business strategies and solutions to innovate.

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