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MARKETEASING is committed to actively participating in the economy for the common good, with a value of 616 points in the Balance of the Common Good Economy developed in 2013. You can access full information on our Balance of the Common Good

Have you ever thought how long your organization for the common good of society?

Want to know how you can give more meaning to their social organization?

Easy to Transform metogología is a model based on the Economy for the common good (EBC) that helps companies and any entity (municipalities, universities, Partnerships, ...) to carry out the transformation process towards a sustainable economic model in order to achieve the following objectives:

- Strengthen their local and global positioning.

- Optimize company resources.

- Improving market orientation.

- Consolidate the different teams of people.

- Improve labor relations and productivity.

From Marketeasing actively we work with the Barcelona Energy Field to help companies and organizations to implement this model of transformation within their organizations through our service Easy to Transform which includes the following transformation tools :

- informative and informative talks Model and its transformation

- Training courses in-company for implementing a transformation process in the organization.

- Consulting service to support the implementation of a model of transformation towards the economy for the common good.

1. Strengthen the local and global positioning of the company as it integrates its activities in the social fabric exploiting synergies with the different stakeholders.

2. Reduce costs, optimizing company resources, as it improves the relationship with suppliers, awareness and improve employee involvement in the development of their tasks and helps redefine work processes.

3. significantly improve the orientation of the company to people (both employees and consumers), through the revision of the model of relationship with these groups from the perspective of the economy for the common good.

4. Consolidate work teams, encouraging participation of employees sharing objectives and results.

5. Improve the working environment and productivity, thanks to the guidance to people and encouraging their participation.

6. Increase sales and customer loyalty, increasing their participation and adapting the structures and processes to meet their needs.

7. Increasing differentiation Company thanks to the value-oriented management of the economy for the common good.

8. Give meaning to the company beyond the activity, benefiting not only clients, but also to society.

9. Knowing the ICBC (Contribution to the Common Good Indicator) Company, which it is the indicator , de 0 a 1000 points, mark how far, the company contributes to the common good of society through its activities and alignment with the values ​​of the economy for the common good.

10. Having a balanced scorecard which allows to know and control the contribution of business and society establish strategies and specific actions to improve in different areas of the company (provisioning, Financing, Personal, Sales and Strategy).

Here are the steps and useful information to develop the Common Good balance in your company and poderte benefit from the results you get.

- Instructions : Document with instructions to develop balance.

- CartaCompromiso_EBC.docx : When a company has decided to make the balance of the Common Good, what is required first is to submit this letter of commitment and make it reach Catalana per l'Assocació the difusió de l'Economia del Bé Comú so that from the association can give you the support you need.

- rapid test empresas.pdf : This document is a quick guide to some questions that answering them allows to know an approximation of the Index Contribution to the Common Good (ICBC) Company. It is very useful to see the extent of the methodology and score that could reach before starting the project.

- ManualBalancedelBienComun.pdf : This document is the manual to be used by companies to develop the Balance of the Common Good. It is a self-explanatory document provides guidance to whet the balance with definitions and examples of what each criterion.

- Form-de-registro.xls : This document is a tool that, once the criteria discussed, It allows you to enter data to complete the assessment of each criterion and sub-criterion with evidence, indicators, strengths and areas for improvement.

- Model-de-Report-of-Balance-4.0.2.docx : This document is the template from which to develop the balance of the common good of the company that finally presented to Catalana per l'Assocació the difusió de l'Economia del Bé Comú for audit if you want get the 3rd seed.

- Marketeasing_EBC_Testado_2013.pdf : Document containing the Balance the Common Good of Marketeasing with 616 points as an example of the result you can get your company. It is useful to understand the interpretation of some criteria.

- Supporting documentation : folder with balance informationdeveloped by companies from different sectors that can help expand examples and ideas to those responsible.

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) prepared the 17 September 2015 an opinion about The economy for the common good : sustainable economic model oriented social cohesion where are urged to use the model for EBC :

1. Companies use the indicators EBC and the Balance of the Common Good to improve their management and establish relationships of trust and ethical quality with its suppliers and customers

2. Promote ethical public procurement

3. ethical foreign trade as "Brand Europe "

4. Entrepreneurs focused on the common good

5. responsible consumption and aware

6. Banking and markets ethical values

7. Establish a legal framework

Opinion of the European Union to include the economy for the common good on the European and national legal framework in order to move towards a single European market through a more ethical economy based on European values ​​and achievements of social responsibility policies, also creating synergies aimed at strengthening it

To learn more about the economy for the common good as the time you have :

- Documentary Trailer 3 ':

- 14' of Interview to Christian Felber :

- Interviews and presentations of Christian Felber on youtube : felber youtube

You can also find more detailed information all movement :

- Catalan Association for the promotion of the common good ecomomies :

- Spanish association of the economy for the common good :